Thursday, June 14, 2018

2,350 Miles to Celebrate Memorial Day 2018

Brother Jim Johnson while visiting his nephew Brother Trent Johnson, both members of the Major General Thomas H. Ruger Camp #1, participated in Memorial Day activities being held at the Southern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery just outside of Boulder City. Over 26,000 flags adorned the graves at the state veteran cemetery as part of the Memorial Day ceremony.


Because Nevada became a state in March of 1864, near the end of the Civil War, the majority of veteran’s graves in Nevada are from WW I, WW II, the Korean War through to the present-day conflicts in the gulf and middle east region. 

Honoring the Silent Service of the Navy Submarine Duty

Navy Seabees

Battlefield Cross Afghanistan or Iraq

However, two known Civil War veterans; William Keith of Iowa and member of the GAR and Joseph Graham of Virginia a Confederate soldier, died long after the American Civil War. They were buried as comrades, side-by-side at Woodlawn Cemetery in Los Vegas, NV.

Woodlawn Cemetery Los Vegas, NV

At the State Capital in Carson City, NV a statue of a solitary Union soldier stands vigilant in remembrance of all who serviced. 

Carson City, NV

Like many American Families on Memorial Day, the Johnson family spent the day of remembrance by placing red Carnations on selected graves to honor many of our armed forces heroes. 

Brother Jim Johnson Ruger Camp #1, wife Carol Jutte DUVCW and Auxiliary to SUVCW.
Brother Trent Johnson Ruger Camp #1, wife Rosanna Johnson, daughter Gabi Johnson. Present not shown Alyssa Mazzoni foreign exchange student from Italy.

Submitted by:
Brother Jim Johnson
Signals Officer Department of North Carolina
Senior Vice Commander Major General Thomas H. Ruger Camp #1

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